Love that Bag etc is the premier online consignment destination in Canada for authentic preowned designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and accessories. We specialize in consigning luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Dior, Saint Laurent and more. Based in Montreal, we acquire secondhand purses and preloved fashions from across Canada and we make preowned luxury items available across Canada and internationally at discounted prices. Shipping: $20 Eastern Canada | $25 Western Canada | flat rates internationally.
Summer Solstice Sale
Wednesday, June 21st - Friday, June 30th (11:00am EST)
Online & in-showroom
Codes will automatically apply at checkout on full order (not per item) and CANNOT be joined with other codes, including the Layaway Plan. Highest savings code will automatically apply. If you accidentally clear your code, please empty your cart, remove the discount and start again OR apply the codes as listed below.
Spend $500, take $50 off - Promo code SOLSTICE50
Spend $1000, take $125 off - Promo code SOLSTICE125
Spend $1500, take $200 off - Promo code SOLSTICE200
Spend $2500, take $300 off - Promo code SOLSTICE300
Spend $3500+, take $450 off - Promo code SOLSTICE450
If you wish to use the Layaway plan INSTEAD of these savings, please apply the promo code LAYAWAY in the promo bar at checkout.