Love that Bag etc is the premier online consignment destination in Canada for authentic preowned designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and accessories. We specialize in consigning luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Dior, Saint Laurent and more. Based in Montreal, we acquire secondhand purses and preloved fashions from across Canada and we make preowned luxury items available across Canada and internationally at discounted prices. Shipping: $30 Western & Eastern Canada | $25 Ontario | $20 Quebec | flat rates internationally.
Hermes Gold Sikkim Bolide Relax 35
A picture of timeless sophistication, this Hermes Bolide Relax 35 ensures that your understated luxury looks leave a lasting impact. Composed of a gold (deep tan brown) Sikkim leather, this gently preloved Hermes handbag's warm-toned soft-structured body is paired with white contrast top-stitching, and a light hand at bright palladium hardware. The domed silhouette is further accentuated by a curved seam running throughout the front and rear walls. Exterior details include protective metal feet preserving the base, and a detachable hanging clochette carrying keys to the functional palladium padlock; designed to secure the zipper when the bag is closed. Dual rolled leather top handles enable toting in hand. Below the top zipper, you can secure your belongings in the beige chevron fabric-lined interior, featuring two open slip pockets. This Hermes Gold Sikkim Bolide Relax 35 bridges the gap between an unmissable statement and unlimited versatility.