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Hermes Blue Multicolor Les 12 Leopards Cashmere Shawl
Still available in stores, this preloved Hermes shawl presents a colorful tropical design ready to be styled with your favorite spring outerwear pieces. Crafted in France, this cashmere and silk blend shawl, designed by Jin Kwon, depicts 12 resting leopards in a workroom in the middle of the jungle, which is full of books, pots, paint brushes, bushes, and leaves in various hues of yellow, orange, white, blue, green, and white. A dark blue border allows this multicolor design to pop, while a tonal hand-rolled technique finishes off the edges. Wear this authentic Hermes Cashmere Shawl with a navy belted dress, designer flats, and the Longchamp Blue Leather Small Honore 404 Bag for an effortless springtime look.
Current Retail Price: $1600 CAD
100% Authentic: Hermes
Material: 70% cashmere, 40% silk
Origin: France
Measurements: 55" x 55"
Condition: Pristine
Includes: Tag
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