Love that Bag etc is the premier online consignment destination in Canada for authentic preowned designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and accessories. We specialize in consigning luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Dior, Saint Laurent and more. Based in Montreal, we acquire secondhand purses and preloved fashions from across Canada and we make preowned luxury items available across Canada and internationally at discounted prices. Shipping: $30 Western & Eastern Canada | $25 Ontario | $20 Quebec | flat rates internationally. offers luxury designer bags for less
By Rhiannon Kay - July 23, 2013
Have you been eyeing that Chanel hobo bag but are on a budget? Well now Canadian women can buy and sell designer handbags at wallet-friendly prices.
Alice Goldbloom launched in June – an online boutique that carries designer bags in all shapes, sizes and colours. Designers like, Fendi, Dior and Louis Vuitton are on offer for anywhere from $100 to $2,000.
Goldbloom offers a distinctly personalized service so buyers know exactly what they’re purchasing. She’ll answer any and all questions via email or phone call. Goldbloom’s online boutique takes in vintage and designer handbags, as well as any fab bag that’s in excellent condition. They’re sold on consignment with a 50/50 split between herself and the seller. We’re ready to start shopping!